Trusted Operator, Change Instigator or Business Co-Creator

Dateline: April 8, 2016 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. A recent blog published at by Martha Heller shared three patterns of how CIOs deliver value.  The article, Three Patterns of Successful IT Leaders, summarizes highlights of a study done by Deloitte Consultant Karen Mazer and listed these 3 roles for CIOs: Trusted … [Read more...]

Leading Digital Transformation

Dateline: July 24, 2015 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. Our organizations are continually transforming, and today the catalyst is the digital opportunities that crop up daily in our world.  Recently the Sloan Management Review published research on Transforming the Digital Enterprise done by MIT researchers and Deloitte Digital.  The … [Read more...]

Top Analytics Challenges for CxOs

Dateline: October 17, 2014 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. This week’s idea come a recent public Twitter Chat about How Analytics is Transforming the Roles of the C-Suite Execs,  between  Tom Davenport (@Tdav), President’s Distinguished Professor of IT and Management at Babson College, research fellow at the MIT Center for Digital … [Read more...]