Dateline: March 9, 2018 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. With the current focus on diversity in our work environments, it's time to also focus on our leadership ranks. While the benefits of diverse thinking are well known, its also clear that while we have come a very long way since our grandmother's generation (or even our mother's … [Read more...]
AI Disrupts Competencies Needed for Leadership
Dateline: February 16, 2018 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. Leadership as we know it today is soon to be a thing of the past...or is it? As technologies take over more of the decision making activity, based on data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence advances, visionaries are seeing changes in the role of leaders, too. … [Read more...]
Inner Work to Bring Out Our Best Leadership
Dateline: December 1, 2017 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. Do you ever feel that the more you do the further behind you fall? Lately, work on my plate has piled up so fast that it feels almost impossible to successfully do all that needs to be done. But a short article in Fast Company, that flashed across my email recently, reminded … [Read more...]
Treating Colleagues with Kindness Generates Huge Returns
Dateline: October 13, 2017 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. In a society where daily we are confronted with statements of criticism that increase our stress and uncertainty, a recent Harvard Business Review article caught my attention because of it's focus on civility. These researchers found that treating colleagues with kindness and … [Read more...]
Boards Are Interested in Cybersecurity Too
Dateline: September 29, 2017 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. With all the media attention focused on recent cyber events, it's no wonder our Boards are getting involved. Certainly a catastrophic event such as Equifax experienced recently shows Board leaders that a large vulnerability might exist in their company. Making sure these … [Read more...]
Building Your Executive Brand on Your Resume
Dateline: August 18, 2017 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. Most of our discussions on this blog have to do with activities and actions that lead to better outcomes for your organization. But today we share an article that can help you personally. Recently, published an article titled IT Resume Makeover: Prove your Path to CIO … [Read more...]
Cybersecurity is Not Just a Technical Problem
Dateline: June 23, 2017 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. Getting our hands around cybersecurity is a top priority for many executives. CIOs and CISOs understand cybersecurity is more than a technical problem to solve. Other C-suite executives are quickly coming up to speed, understanding that being cyber-resiliant is the … [Read more...]
Raising a CIO
Dateline: March 31, 2017 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. Becoming a CIO continues to be a noble goal for many technology- and business-minded executives. "Every company is an IT company today," as the saying goes, and being the leader of this area can be exciting and impactful. But becoming an effective CIO means having strong … [Read more...]
Reducing Resistance to Analytics Initiatives
Efforts to adopt analytics upset the balance of power in the C-suite, and this shift often had a negative impact on analytics initiatives. Dateline: October 14, 2016 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. According to a study led by EY Principle Chris McShea, only about 1/3 of the companies in his study achieved their goals for their … [Read more...]
Importance of a Number Two
Dateline: April 15, 2016 Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend. While originally written a few years ago, I recently ran across a thought provoking article by Rosabeth Moss Kanter titled, To Be Number One, Get the Right Number Two. It was originally written in another election year, but it's still relevant today. Kanter writes, Unlike the … [Read more...]