Dateline: April 15, 2016
Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend.
While originally written a few years ago, I recently ran across a thought provoking article by Rosabeth Moss Kanter titled, To Be Number One, Get the Right Number Two. It was originally written in another election year, but it’s still relevant today. Kanter writes,
Unlike the U.S. political system, the business world has no rules requiring that every leader have a backup, or that every corporate chief executive has a chief operating officer…Still, most leaders benefit from a running-the-company mate. A good number two can back them up, reinforce their message, and handle major responsibilities with the same broad view as the top person.
What would you look for in a number two? Do you have someone in that role now?
That’s a WRAP! Have a great weekend!
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