Creating and Managing Analytics Capability

Dateline: November 21, 2014

Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend.

This week’s idea comes from a thoughtful post at Harvard Business Review about bottlenecks to progress.  Brian McCarthy, Managing Director, Information & Analytics Strategy, for Accenture Analytics recently published a blog titled Beware the Analytics Bottleneck.  He writes,

Historically, new technologies from the mainframe to client server and ERP — while enabling organizations to pursue new business goals — became a bottleneck to progress. This is due to constraints like lengthy implementation processes and inflexibility to adapt as business conditions changed. Turns out that isn’t the case today. There is a new, even more elusive, bottleneck: the organization itself and its ability to adopt and adapt big data and analytics capabilities.

To overcome the organization’s reluctance to change and reduce the bottleneck that reluctance causes, he suggests three things:

1.  Don’t be overwhelmed — start slower to go faster:
2.  Technology doesn’t have to be exposed (Keep the complexity behind the curtain):
3.  Make faster decisions for faster rewards

Which organizational bottlenecks are getting in the way of your organization’s path to adapting big data and creating analytics capabilities?  How can you reduce their impact?

That’s a WRAP!  Have a nice weekend!

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