When IT Isn’t at the Table

Dateline: July  12, 2013

Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend.

Why is there still a disconnect between what IT does and what the business wants?  According to the 2013 Cisco Global IT Impact Survey many IT organizations are not as aligned with their business partners as they expect to be.  Cisco’s survey asked questions of 1,300 IT decision makers in 13 different countries.

Among the results, the survey found that  while most IT leaders are engaged with the business, the alignment is not there.

89% of IT leaders collaborate with their business leaders more than once a month

63% are confident IT can respond to the business needs

76% said business leaders and other non-IT teams roll out new applications without engaging IT either ‘all the time’ or ‘sometimes’

38% of IT professionals are brought into the planning and deployment process late

One respondent said, “The speed of business has been accelerating for a long time.  But now it seems like everybody is just holding on with white knuckles.”

One can conclude from this survey that while business leaders are happy to meet wit IT, they are not utilizing IT to deliver many of their needs.

How does your organization compare with the survey results?  Does your business partner roll out new applications without you?  Is that a problem for your IT plans? What would increase alignment in your organization?

That’s a WRAP!  Have a nice weekend.

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