Dateline: March 30, 2018
Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend.
Recently we have focused on cybersecurity governance in this blog and this week, we share a thought about the broader executive responsibility for keeping our companies cybersafe. Cybersecurity doesn’t have a ‘silver bullet’ answer: keeping our organization secure requires a holistic, well-planned approach that involves leaders from all over the organization. An article published by ComputerWeekly.Com, titled Few Organizations Managing Cyber Risks, suggests,
While organizations can manage cyber risk more effectively by applying a comprehensive approach that includes proven security practices, such as updating systems regularly and other preventative measures, the report said overcoming the managerial and technological challenges this presents can be addressed more effectively when responsibility is shared among stakeholders, including corporate boards, C-suite executives, risk professionals, and technologists.
Governments also have a critical role to play as well, the report said. Given the growth of state-sponsored and organised crime-sponsored attacks, more needs to be done by all “instruments of government” to work with industry to improve cyber readiness across sectors and develop standards and best practices to improve cyber risk management.
Cyber security risk can be managed, but not eliminated, the report said. “The scale and complexity of the challenge is too great for a ‘silver bullet’ solution. Effective adaptation and coordination is required to remain resilient against this significant and dynamic threat,” it said.
How can you get your organization’s leaders past the search for a ‘silver bullet’ answer to cybersecurity?
That’s a WRAP! Have a great weekend!
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