Welcome to the Friday WRAP–one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend.
The Friday WRAP is a curated site. Every Friday, we post a new blog with a short summary of interesting and relevant content found on the web. We always end with a thought-provoking question. Our themes include:
-Social Business/Social Media
-Information Intelligence/Analytics/Big Data
-Mobile/Bring Your Own Device
-Cloud Computing/’As a Service”
-New Business Models
-Organizational Impacts of Technology
-Technology Management
-Personal Development/Public Speaking/Audience Management
This blog grew out of the IT Leaders Forum, a moderated peer-network for senior and executive IT leaders. First published in early 2011, that private column provided weekly advice and leadership guidance to network members.
The Friday WRAP is hosted by KP Partners and written by Dr. Keri Pearlson.