Customers Know What You Should Measure

Dateline: January 30, 2015

Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend.

Recently, my friend and (former) colleague, Vaughan Merlyn published a short but thoughtful blog titled, “What Should We Be Measuring?”  In it, Vaughan summarized his thoughts in two insights,

Insight #1: If you want to know what to measure, ask your customer what is important to them!
Insight #2: Don’t get stuck on the same old measures!

and he summarized with what could be Insight #3,

In short, you get what you measure. As you get it, the things you want change (sort of a Maslow’s Hierarchy!) so the things you measure should change as the customers needs evolve.

What would your customer suggest you measure?  When did you last ask them?

That’s a WRAP!  Have a great weekend!

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