Dividing Cybersecurity Between Your Platform and Your People

Dateline: December 15, 2017

Welcome to our Friday WRAP – one thought-provoking idea to think about over the weekend.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that technology alone will not provide the level of cyber resilience needed by our organizations (and by each of us individually).  Instead, leaders in our organizations increasingly need solutions that combine technology with human behavior.  Recently, Shuman Ghosemajumder, CTO at Shape Security, published an article at Harvard Business Review titled You Can’t Secure 100% of your Data 100% of the Time.  He suggests,

The long-term answer to cybersecurity lies in dividing which cybersecurity challenges should be the responsibility of individual companies from which should come from platforms and services that take responsibility for foundational security. This model allows technology and service providers to make not only necessary, but extraordinary R&D investments to create the best possible security capabilities and practices for all companies. A platform provider spending $1B and hiring from the top of the security talent pool to provide shared capabilities to 100 companies produces far more benefit than those 100 companies spending $100M each on the same “undifferentiated heavy lifting”.

How do you think about this divide?  What should your company be responsible for? What should come from platforms and services? 

That’s a WRAP!  Have a great weekend!

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